Entries tagged with “daughters”.
Did you find what you wanted?
Sun 8 Aug 2010
It’s that time of the year again – where my daughters go abroad for a few weeks to visit their dad and I’m left at home with the cat, feeling empty-nested…
This time I have had instructions on how to fill my days constructively though, so no wasting time behind the pc playing games of facebooking or any such trivia
Only allowed to check mails and chat with them when they’re online – and knowing their dad it will be far, far less then what they’re used to
So what’s on the agenda today? Making a start with my bedroom – that’s the main project of these weeks and well overdue, really, I hope I will be able to finish it
– putting the fish tank back in order, even if we’ve only got the one clown fish now (Ziggy has been returned to the shop as he had outgrown the tank and kept jumping up out of the water and bumping his head on the light O.o) and baking bread. For a Sunday that will be plenty.
So girls, enjoy your holidays and we will see each other on the web
Mon 29 Jun 2009
The girls are growing up fast – I can’t look over their heads any more, certainly not when they’re sitting on my lap (which they still like to do
) Sometimes they’re fighting – like all sisters do – and sometimes they are just too cute for words – like teenagers can be, still
Don’t tell them I said so though
This afternoon they will get their final report and I’m sitting here fingers and toes crossed they will pass – maths can be a demon so any good karma sent their way will be gratefully accepted
Tue 2 Oct 2007

What’s a birthday party without a sleepover?
Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.
Since we’ve got the new sofa, the kids always want it in the extended version – which means they grab all the space! Oki is lucky, she got a sheepskin basket for her birthday (first of October) and yes, some more goodies on the 4th for St Francis too
I told the kids they’re not allowed to lift her out of there, so she has at least one place she can call her safe spot
I must admit, it is rather cosy, all four of us, huddled under spare quilts and duvets (during the daytime they go inside the sofa – handy!) watching tv – although they have to be careful when drinking or eating, as I said I would personally chew the face off of anyone who made the first stain on the new sofa – it has to stay pristine – at least until Christmas!
Although, sometimes the fun can get too far – or they crowd into each other’s private space and then you get faces like this:

Ah, and tomorrow youngest is officially a teenager too – wooh – I can’t wait for the fun and tantrums (not!)