So, after almost 24 hours loading etc., here’s Oki’s first appearance on Youtube:
I do apologise for the wobbles and strange non-cat noises (especially et the end
) but as I said before, editing it – even taking 30 seconds off – increased the size with 100 Mb from the original 200 to 300 Mb * Anyone knowing a good program – or how I could make better use of Windows Movie Maker – feel free to suggest so
* even the shock icon has given up it seems – let’s try that again 80 8-0
– meh… now one of them seem to work, typical…
btw – anyone trying to figure out the background noise? It was a Classic Disney Cartoon – Micky, Donald and Goofy Building a Boat – just before the news at 8
It was a rather cloudy day, so no garden pictures. Nothing much to do either. I could hardly give you another one of my food pics (although today’s chicken tajin with carrots and mushrooms was simply delicious
) so we go with one of Oki’s food pics today
Never realised she’s that dusty!
A video of her snoring is uploading on youtube – I really have to take lessons on how to edit vids – even with the program included with the pc (Windows Movie Maker) I can’t seem to be able to bring it under 100Mb. Funny thing is, the unedited version is 2 minutes and 200 Mb, the edited one is 1min 30 sec but 300 Mb – weird or what? So as 1Mb of video takes about 1 to 5 minutes to upload – according to Youtube – I went with the unedited one. It will take a few hours then before you can enjoy her song
Tags: black, cat, kat, neus, nose, Oki, pink, roos, tong, tongue, zwart