

Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.

Yesterday I had a ‘blah’ day and didn’t post a pic – so I got a worried txt this morning from the girls. When they were re-assured I just had a little ‘dip’, missed them something awful and couldn’t sleep as I was missing their nightly noises but would be there on Saturday morning, bright and bushy-tailed, they were quick to ask for the latest ‘Joepie’ (a teenmagazine that already existed when I was young – now that is a long time ago – not that I bought it, I rather went to the library for ‘proper’ books – I know, I’m a geek and proud of it :P ). So here is proof I went and bought it and – oh joy – no Tokio Hotel on the cover this time!

Today it has been hot, hot, hot. I really should cut the grass, but I rather not scorch to a crisp. If the mower doesn’t get through it, I always still have the strimmer to do it next week :P

You know what? I can always squeeze a pic of Oki in from yesterday as #14 – I caught her red-pawed when she was on the table checking out Rooz who came out for a nibble.


So, after almost 24 hours loading etc., here’s Oki’s first appearance on Youtube:


I do apologise for the wobbles and strange non-cat noises (especially et the end :D ) but as I said before, editing it – even taking 30 seconds off – increased the size with 100 Mb from the original 200 to 300 Mb * Anyone knowing a good program – or how I could make better use of Windows Movie Maker – feel free to suggest so :)

* even the shock icon has given up it seems – let’s try that again 80 8-0 :shock: – meh… now one of them seem to work, typical…

btw – anyone trying to figure out the background noise? It was a Classic Disney Cartoon – Micky, Donald and Goofy Building a Boat – just before the news at 8 :D


Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.

It was a rather cloudy day, so no garden pictures. Nothing much to do either. I could hardly give you another one of my food pics (although today’s chicken tajin with carrots and mushrooms was simply delicious ;) ) so we go with one of Oki’s food pics today :D

Never realised she’s that dusty!

A video of her snoring is uploading on youtube – I really have to take lessons on how to edit vids – even with the program included with the pc (Windows Movie Maker) I can’t seem to be able to bring it under 100Mb. Funny thing is, the unedited version is 2 minutes and 200 Mb, the edited one is 1min 30 sec but 300 Mb – weird or what? So as 1Mb of video takes about 1 to 5 minutes to upload – according to Youtube – I went with the unedited one. It will take a few hours then before you can enjoy her song :?

11-Red, green, white

Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.

I had invited the neighbour across for a cup of tea as it was her first day of her holiday, but her kids were watching a movie so she was shooed out, poor thing ;) While I was putting the tea things out, the white cat – don’t know her name, but she’s bold as brass – didn’t move an inch.

She’s the cat of the back neighbours (diagonally) and I have to keep a very wary eye on her, as she’s always spying on the fish. It could be her colouring of course, but I think she’s got a rather snooty expression (a bit like her owner really ;) )

It’s funny how a lot of the neighbourhood cats like to come and snooze in our garden, maybe there is a certain ‘ambiance’ they like?

There’s no love lost between Oki and this cat. The moment she noticed that cat was in the garden, she chased her out…

10-Dinner for two

Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.

Hey! Being without the kids gives me the opportunity to indulge in food I like, and being the unselfish soul I am, I also gave Oki a new brand of food – which went down a treat as you can see :D

Anyone interested in a three minutes long video of her purring, smacking and crunching? ;)

I think I’ll keep it for the kids when they’re back home :)

08-Triptych – Peace

Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.

Nothing much happened today. There was a terrible storm yesterday – or well very early this morning, we didn’t get to bed till 2, so we’re having a lazy day today :P

It’s very weird to see lightning everywhere and every few seconds but not hear any thunder. It was raining like they were preparing for the next flood and then suddenly the rain stopped, the lightning lessened but then the thunder started crashing just above our heads – the windows and doors were literally rattling!

It was worse further east of us, looks like we escaped the wind that ripped out trees and ended scouts camps all over the place…

What’s a birthday party without a sleepover?

Originally uploaded by Reinhilde.
Since we’ve got the new sofa, the kids always want it in the extended version – which means they grab all the space! Oki is lucky, she got a sheepskin basket for her birthday (first of October) and yes, some more goodies on the 4th for St Francis too :)

I told the kids they’re not allowed to lift her out of there, so she has at least one place she can call her safe spot :D

I must admit, it is rather cosy, all four of us, huddled under spare quilts and duvets (during the daytime they go inside the sofa – handy!) watching tv – although they have to be careful when drinking or eating, as I said I would personally chew the face off of anyone who made the first stain on the new sofa – it has to stay pristine – at least until Christmas! :D

Although, sometimes the fun can get too far – or they crowd into each other’s private space and then you get faces like this:
Moan, moan, grumble,...

Ah, and tomorrow youngest is officially a teenager too – wooh – I can’t wait for the fun and tantrums (not!) ;)

 I was talking about Lolcats a few days ago, remember?  I’m still browsing the site on a daily basis and yesterday late I submitted my first comment – the lolcats were just too irresistible :)

lolcats align right

That simple comment took me more than 15 minutes to edit – Kitteh Lanwich rly iznt eezi to raat u no!

The weird thing though – I caught myself speaking in ‘Kitteh’ to Oki today – she did give me a funny look – she probably speaks Flemish Kitteh instead of Engrish :D

and fell for the Lolkatz meme… I wonder what the kids will think of it :D

my first try-outs – just give me your thoughts ;)

lolkatz in 't vlaams Lolkatz

Or, just to say I wanted a new look for the site – brown and lots of chocolate is for winter, let’s hear it for greens and blues and spring and summer :)

I must say, it does read easier it seems.  Now I’m off to have another look at all those Lolkatz – boy, is that an addictive site (they’re also topblog today on wordpress.com) – I’m even feeling an urge to lolkatzise Oki, poor thing :D

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