For years now I have been clicking daily on the Hungersite, but now I also found another worthy cause. Yes, I’ve read the FAQ, checked 101 different ways and as far as I can judge, it’s an honest cause. It’s on Facebook, it’s on LiveJournal, it’s on Yahoo, it’s even been endorsed by Neil Gaiman…
I’ll grab a piece of text from Jane, who made me aware of it…
A young woman in the USA is trying to raise money for necessary medical procedures, but she’s not doing it by soliciting donations or asking people to buy anything… she’s taking advantage of the file hosting service’s reward program… a real, actual program that gives people cash rewards for using their service, presumably as a means of stealth advertising. Simply put: enough people download a file that she has hosted, and she gets a nice chunk of change. “This program states if I get 5 million downloads, they will pay me $10,000″ she says: obviously impossible, but she’s trying it anyway. I like that.
The file? Nothing arduous, onerous, or dangerous… a plain text file, as in, *.txt, which anybody can tell you cannot contain or execute a virus. If you save a virus as something.txt and try to open it, you’d just get a bunch of gobbledygook in Notepad. I’ve downloaded it myself, and it’s nothing more than a simple text description of her plight and her plan. One download per day, per IP address.
If the USA had a health system that worked, she wouldn’t have to do this. But it doesn’t.

More links (I didn’t want to insert them in the above text, so you wouldn’t go off clicking before you read everything
Jane’s Multiply where I found it
The site where it’s all explained (you get there also by clicking the picture above)
The FAQ page
Erin’s LifeJournal page
The Download LifeJournal page
The Facebook group
The Yahoo group
Neil Gaiman’s page
the Hunger site
Right, that’s enough reading matter – now go off, insert that click button on whatever page you can to make the world aware of it – and especially, don’t forget to click it daily!