Sun 9 May 2010
Posted by Rein under Me-time, mind fluff, You need to see this!
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I learned a new word today: Favicon. Wiki tells you all about it. In short, it’s just a “Look at me, I’m your favourite website!” thingie that appears in front of the url in the web adress bar. Of course I had to have one.
But what? It being only 16 by 16 pixels, you can’t expect to put part of the Sistine Chapel on it So I opted for my old time favourite, the little rabbit I’ve been drawing everywhere since I was a (very small) kid. Yep, I was a tagger avant la lettre Can’t see it properly you say? Well, here it is, ten times bigger. So when you see ‘Knijn’ popping up, you know I’m around too
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