Thu 11 Sep 2008
not yet 8 in the morning and I'm listening to Iron Maiden
Posted by Rein under Life, Me-time, What???
[2] Comments
Trying to decide what music to have for my Birthday Bash on the 26th (birthday is on the 25th, but we want to make sure we actually make the day ) and I think I’ve decided on the intro: Iron Maiden’s the Number of the Beast. My kids are going so not approve of my choice of music *Mwuahahaha*
Alright, I won’t be 666, but be honest, half a century is a beastly number too, isn’t it?
Run to the hills!
Congrats on your birthday – OK, I’m a bit early but thought I’d say so now because if not I’ll probably forget. I’m terrible with dates for birthdays.
50 is a good number – not like 130 the maximum speed on the autoroute LOL One of my friends recently passed that mile stone – I just hope I’m like him at 50.
Iron Maiden eh? Here in France on the TV channel ARTE they have been showing 70′s clips from BBC’s “Top of the Pops” – So my son has been watching anything from punk rock to heavy metal with all the easy listening stuff in between. He doesn’t seem to bothered but he had a good dance to “You sexy thang” by Hot Chocolate. LOL
Hehe – thanks for the early wishes
I wouldn’t mind so much if I didn’t start to look like my grandma so much. I’m starting to avoid the bathroom mirror first thing in the morning
That kid of yours seems to have the right attitude – listen to everything and then make your own choices – you’re doing a top job, Dad!