That’s why I’m no good at the Nintendo or the Wii, but I do like the Sims.  Got most of them and the expansion packs, but like I said, I don’t play them how they’re supposed to be played.  I use them to build and create instead :D   I’m also a member of TSR.  That’s a never ending source of member-made CC (or custom content to the non-initiated ;) ) and overall cheaper than buying the stuff in the online shop of The Sims itself ;)

It’s only since I have the Sims3 I know of the existence of TSR – also because I was so used to all the additional stuff of the Sims2 that I asked around online.  A Facebook friend (yes, the network works ;) ) pointed me to the custom sites and the rest is history…

Now I’m starting to learn to create my own custom content – I’ve already mastered patterns and paintings, but meshing is still beyond me.  I should start on those tutorials for real one of these days :P   Today I submitted the latest – a so-called child’s painting of Knijn.  It always takes some time before it actually appears on the site, but I’m going to give you guys a sneak preview ;)   In the game you can even change the frames, to suit it to the room of your house.
Knijn and carrot