Archive for August 3rd, 2008

Meh – it’s dull and grey and I just can’t find anything interesting to photograph today. It’s Sunday, so I’m not allowed to mow the lawn, so no pics of a clean garden. Oki’s been sleeping all day, the hamsters haven’t left their house for the whole day – they will have to tomorrow though, they’re getting a bit smelly, their ‘pooh corner’ needs cleaning – and I don’t seem to be able to find a nice juicy snail for some gory pics with the turtles…

So I’ll just leave you all with this Lolkat I saw today, which fits in beautifully really :D

Lolkatz Large

btw – you know what is worse than PMS? PMS and having no-one to shout at :( ;)

So, after almost 24 hours loading etc., here’s Oki’s first appearance on Youtube:


I do apologise for the wobbles and strange non-cat noises (especially et the end :D ) but as I said before, editing it – even taking 30 seconds off – increased the size with 100 Mb from the original 200 to 300 Mb * Anyone knowing a good program – or how I could make better use of Windows Movie Maker – feel free to suggest so :)

* even the shock icon has given up it seems – let’s try that again 80 8-0 :shock: – meh… now one of them seem to work, typical…

btw – anyone trying to figure out the background noise? It was a Classic Disney Cartoon – Micky, Donald and Goofy Building a Boat – just before the news at 8 :D